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Dr. Robert White 

Dr. Robert E. White has taught extensively in public school across Canada for over twenty years. Since 2003, he has taught and researched at St Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia,Canada. A graduate of the University of Toronto (OISE), Dr. White is currently a Senior Research Professor associated with the Faculty of Education at St Francis Xavier University. Dr. White’s research interests focus on a number of topics, including educational administration and policy, postmodernity and globalization, qualitative research methodologies, and critical pedagogy. Dr. White is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Leadership in Education. Recent publications include Qualitative Research in the Postmodern Era, Volume I (2012) and Democracy and Its Discontents: Critical Literacy across Global Contexts (2015). An international scholar, Dr. White has also received numerous Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada grants to pursue his research. In 2013, he received the President’s Research Award, granted by St. Francis Xavier University.

Dr. Karyn Cooper

Karyn Cooper is a professor in the department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, University of Toronto, Canada. At the heart of her work is the belief that looking critically at personal and ethical issues may support and enhance inclusion, equity and democratic practice. Some of her books include: Qualitative Research in the Postmodern Era: Contexts of Qualitative Research. Volume I. Dordrecht, The (Netherlands: Springer 2012), Cooper, K., & Hughes, R. (2019) and Critical issues in education: Citizen documentary in the digital age. Toronto: Life Rattle Press.  Her current research (Critics Choice Award, American Study Association) gathered in a two-volume set of texts features video interviews with many of the giants in the field of qualitative research and/or critical perspectives across the social sciences and humanities. Zygmunt Bauman, Noam Chomsky, Helene Cixous, Clifford Geertz, and Maxine Greene are but a few who share their perspectives providing an opportunity to compress the history of qualitative and critical research paradigm development into a rich overview. Through the development of a website select video clips from these texts may be viewed at


Dr. Robert White & Dr. Karyn Cooper

Qualitative Research in a Post-Modern Era

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